Sunday 10 May 2015

Life of the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)

in the name of god


Life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) of Islam and Muslims has been the focus of attention, however, many traditions are held in more detail and in particular our knowledge of his life before the mission, details of his character after It is not the mission. However, what the study during the 63 years of his life closes in mind, a reflection of the image of a prophet of God and the story of the emergence of personality that lay behind many challenges, without frustration and disappointment to reform society, touched and could Islam unified the Arabian Peninsula and ready to spread outside the borders of Saudi Arabia, and more importantly establishes a religion that is now one of the major religions of the world.

 From birth to ProphetBirthday of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) so many traditions 17 Rabi al-Awwal in the Year of the Elephant (570 AD), or version 12 on the same month in the Arabic calendar. The father of the Prophet (PBUH), Amina Abdullah, son of Abdul and his mother the daughter of Wahb and both large Quraysh tribe had its tribal elders had enormous influence in Mecca and more businesses were engaged. Abdullah, the father of the Prophet shortly before the birth of his son, went to dinner and returned to the caravan trade fell ill and died. According to the official, who was popular in Mecca, Muhammad gave to a woman named Halima simple and clean space to develop desert. His 6-year-old mother to visit relatives in Yathrib (Medina) went, but Amina, in return, the patient died and he was buried in Al-Abwa near Medina. Muhammad, the jute backing, so Abdulmutallab was his grandfather, but he died in the custody of her 8-year-old Muhammad were made the responsibility of his uncle Abu Talib. Aboutaleb the strenuous effort was led by his nephew. In commercial journey to dinner with her and is on the itinerary, monk Bhyra names, signs in his prophet, and Aboutaleb it is informed. Important events before marrying the Prophet (PBUH), participation in a treaty called "sworn Alfzvl" in which a group of MacKean promised "support the innocent and the right to go get him." A treaty that the Prophet (PBUH) and Myfrmvd Mystvd later it again if he read the treaty so, it joins.Reputation Muhammad's honesty and integrity were all so famous that "honest" was the title of the integrity Khvyld draw attention Khadija and her daughter with their own capital to trade down to dinner, then so Shyfth honest "M. Amin "was a step forward for the institution of marriage with him, but so well-known, at least 15 years older than she was. Khadija to Muhammad and devoted wife until his life, the Prophet's wife resorted to another. His Prophet which children are boys died in childhood and among girls of all Namdartr, Fatima (AS). The details of the course of the life of the Prophet (PBUH) until the mission did not have the knowledge, but to know him as a person from reflection and thinking people is known, and the nature and indecent behavior was unhappy with his people hard. The customs their ugly remarkable of all idolatry, and the Prophet (PBUH) on the Mytaft. Muhammad shortly before the mission, a long time alone in the cave of Hira, near Mecca lived in the mountains and spend time in silence and thought.


 The mission to migrationIt is said that the first signs of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when he was 40 years old, dreams true, but what conduct known as the beginning of the mission, a night in the month of Ramadan, or the month of Rajab, the angel of revelation in the cave of Hira on the Prophet (PBUH) He appeared on the first verses of Surat al Brkhvand clot. According to tradition, the Prophet (pbuh) and asked him to hurry back home as soon as possible cover.idols and false gods that human hearts.Prophet's call to unity first of his family began the first who believed in him, his wife, Khadija, and the men, his cousin Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS), which then led him to the Prophet (p. ) responsible.Among them was changed. Although the initial invitation was very limited, but growing number of Muslims and Islam group Advice Brnyamd recently went around Mecca and the Prophet's prayer Mygzardnd.3 years after the Prophet, the Prophet (pbuh) was instructed to invite everyone from the family of the Quraysh gathered and integrated into a broader level has been raised. Prophet took this job, but she promised not so much on the number of Islamic movements Creators Nyfzvd Quraysh.Yasser and Belal Habashi later were great companions. Qryshyan behavior and general disregard for the idolaters of Mecca although first gently and above, with the exception of abuse of idols and the rituals and traditions of their fathers was increasing, Qryshyan the Prophet (PBUH) and the Muslims were hard, especially his uncle Abu Talib (p) that was separated from his support for the persecuted prophet was put. On the one hand, and other tribes Qryshyan offensive to Muslims and the Prophet (PBUH) were increasing and on the other hand Qryshyan in the ranks of the opposition to the Prophet (PBUH) or his support, appeared divided.Polytheists severity so that the Prophet (PBUH) commanded some of his companions to migrate to Abyssinia, and it seems that some people were traveling between Ethiopia and the Hijaz. In the sixth year mission eventually became Qryshyan treaty to avoid marriage or dealing with the family of Abdulmutallab. His contract Shyfhay wrote them on the wall hung the Kaaba. From the other side, and those of his family accompanied Abu Talib, the Prophet (pbuh) and Khadijah the door known as "branches" Abu Talib, took refuge and as far as possible, no one was there and not out of it respectively. Finally, after the book's lines termites were removed, Qryshyan accepted the opposition to give up and abandon their blockade (of 10 mission). Thus, the Prophet (PBUH) and his family were getting rid of the bottleneck. Shortly after the departure prophet of branches, two of the closest Yavransh, Khadija and Abu Talib had died.On the death of Abu Talib, the Prophet (PBUH) is one of the most serious his supporters and those who lost the opportunity to abuse the Prophet (PBUH) and the Muslims added, efforts prophet to call out the inhabitants of Mecca, particularly in Taif , where did he hurt and returned to Mecca Naasvdh. Finally, the prophet was drawn to the town of Yathrib, the City susceptible to invite Islam. The main tribe in the city, Aus and Khazraj, the more time together and fought in the war and who invite them to peace and friendship, were welcomed. Prophet Khzrjyan in fact, 6 of the Hajj season, and they presented their vision of Islam because he returned to the city to promote invitations. Years later, in the year 12 mission, Aus and Khazraj Several, to serve the Prophet (PBUH) came in Aqaba, near the gates of Mecca, to his allegiance and the Prophet (PBUH) representative to promote and teach Islam They got along. The basis of the government's first allegiance was to the Prophet in Yathrib founded. Years later the number of Ysrbyan the Prophet in Yathrib allegiance, and if there except a few who are not Muslim. Although the negotiations were secret, but Qryshyan were aware of them and after deliberation of the investigation to the Prophet (PBUH) and the Muslims, the Quraysh families of all those who come round and round the Prophet (PBUH) to kill the man back his blood dropping it. Prophet was aware of the plot, Imam Ali (AS) on its place and puts his momentum, but he was accompanied by Abu Bakr, was flowing into the Yathrib.


 The migration to the death of the Prophet (PBUH)

Exit Prophet's migration from Mecca, which is interpreted, a turning point in the history of his life and the history of Islam, because then the Prophet (PBUH), only to those who stay away from idolatry and faith in God Learn reads, but the other was at the head of a government that would establish a new society based on divine Shariati, however, that some authors believe that the Prophet (PBUH) in Medina and promote the mission and invited to leave, not just the Prophet (PBUH ) never lost the Nnhad. Sent to preach Islam among the tribes and send invitations to those countries confirms the ruling means. The migration of the Prophet from Mecca to Medina, the Muslims were considered important, to the extent that he was the source of his representing the Arab perception that the migration of the Prophet (PBUH) had a new phase. The Prophet (pbuh) in the month of Rabi al-Awwal in 14 mission came to Yathrib, a city which is named after the Prophet, Medina was named Rasul and briefly Medina. He first takes place over the city, as previously said, and Ysrbyan immediately rushed to welcome him. After a few days, the city was on dry land, a mosque in his hand and his companions built the foundation of Al-Masjid al-Nabawi is present in Madinaty Mnvrh.Day by day the number of immigrants and the Ansar added that now was applied to the inhabitants of Yathrib before they were placed in their home. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the first treaty of brotherhood between the Ansar and established immigrants and Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) took the brotherhood. Although seemingly small number of people who claim to be Muslim, but they were not believed to heart, and them "hypocrites" is called. Some time after arriving in Medina, the Prophet (PBUH) by residents of the city, even the Jews vowed to respect each other's social rights. Later Qblh Muslims from Jerusalem to the Kaaba was changed to an independent identity for Islam was established. In the first migration, Muslims and pagans of Mecca did not deal seriously and began the second year of treatment. In fact, most of the time the Prophet (pbuh) in the period after the migration to protect the small community of Muslims in Medina, Islam spread over the hinterland. The Prophet (PBUH) and the Muslims should first read pagans to Islam, or the threat of attack and repel their attack was permanent. The faithful of other religions, especially Jews, apparently the first friendly relations with the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the Muslims, or at least it would seem, but shortly after the war became hostility and sometimes even the enemies of the Prophet helping hand respectively. However, in analyzing the behavior of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Muslims with them to their positions in the face of difficulties and dangers that threatened the Muslim community, and the confrontation that probably occurs in the meantime, should not in any way religious conflicts and so interpreted, however, many verses of the Quran and the practice of the Prophet (PBUH), show real respect for religious heavenly religions, and represents one of the them.In year 2 AH, the Muslims and the polytheists of Mecca was a military clash in the battle of Badr, which was marked by the expiration of Muslims was less than MacKean could win it and of those who were killed and many were captured and others fled. The victory at Badr, the Muslims gave spirit, but in all distressed and angry Mecca of failure, and the idea of ​​revenge. Since the first clashes between Muslims and Jews Bnyqynqa that lived outside the city, long after Badr emerged Jews and Muslims were forced to retreat and the area.In the year 3 BC, Qryshyan tribe wanted to help its ally against Muslims and equipped with an army under the command of Abu Suffian, went to Medina. Prophet in Medina first wanted to stay, but it was ultimately up to deal with divisions wiped out the city of Mecca. Somewhere near Mount Uhud, two armies faced each other with the first victory of the Muslims, but the trick is to use the Khalid bin Walid and neglect by a group of Muslims, pagans rushed back to their destruction began. The uncle Hamza, the Prophet was martyred, the Prophet himself injured and killed Shayh also undermine the spirit of Muslims. Muslims returned to Medina sad Quran was revealed in this case, the holder condolences to Muslims.In the year 4 AH few scattered clashes with the tribes around Medina was a new religion to their advantage and might not see a united, flocking to the city. Beer Mvnh incident in which two Rjy and Muslim missionaries were killed by fighters allied tribes, that of the Union, and the efforts of the Prophet (PBUH) is the spread of Islam in Medina. This year one of the most important battles of the Prophet (PBUH) to Medina Jewish tribe of Bani An-Nadir came to the Prophet (pbuh) and the Jews are going to negotiate with him were his life, but eventually were forced to migrate from the area.The following year the Prophet (PBUH) and Muslims around the borders of Syria where the name came Dvmh Aljndl, when the Muslim army arrived, the enemy had fled, and the Prophet (PBUH) and the Muslims returned to Medina. Not the end of the year 5 BC to a great risk of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Muslims threatened. Qryshyan Mecca and the Jews driven Bnynzyr adopted and their allies against the Prophet (PBUH) were united with the army, which is expensive army said it has 10 thousand, to the city came into being. Since news of the Prophet (PBUH) was, according to a famous story, the suggestion of Salman Farsi to dig trenches around Medina commanded. Thus, because the infidel armies came to Medina, the new management faced during the war days when the two armies against each line were adorned with only scattered clashes occurred. Finally, after 15 days, the army of infidels and Muslim unsuccessful return to their normal lives back.In 6 AH, Muslims could Mstlq people's children against the Prophet (PBUH) were trying to rally, defeat and in the various categories of Muslim troops were sent to the surrounding tribes. Dedication and continuous efforts of the Prophet (PBUH) made Muslims out of the way was now very difficult, because in the north of the peninsula, many tribes against the Prophet (PBUH) to obey down, or the Muslims, and the only place that still due The Prophet (PBUH) was busy, it was Mecca. In this year of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Muslims were going to perform Hajj to Mecca, and for this purpose went to Mecca.while the Qryshyan in peace. Qryshyan not vote the first time, but eventually someone to contract peace with the Prophet (PBUH) sent. Based on this, the Prophet (PBUH) and Qryshyan Mtarkh 10 years of peace and war was declared and provided that the Prophet (PBUH) from Mecca to enter the refrain next year. According to traditions, though some Muslims Brntaftnd peace first, but eventually realized its importance for the spread of Islam.Because the Prophet (PBUH) used Qryshyan Bprdakht, in 7 BC, was the decision to invite the rulers and kings of the nations. The letter to the Byzantine Emperor, Najashi and Amir Amir Al-Yamama sent Ghsanyan dinner. In this year of the Prophet (pbuh) upon the Jews of Khaybar won before it several times against his enemies and his allies were not relieved from her, Khaybar fortress was located near the city, to capture Muslims and the Prophet (PBUH) was that Jews continue to work in the area of ​​their farm each year as part of their product to the Muslims, the Prophet returned to Medina, but sent the troops and a convoy of around continued found.In 8 BC, broke his contract and night Qryshyan the clan allied with the Muslims, were attacked. For this reason, the Prophet (PBUH) with the bulk going to Mecca and night army encamped outside Mecca. Abu Suffian, great uncle Abbas pagans to the intercession of the Prophet (PBUH), the Prophet of Islam said he came to the Prophet (PBUH), his home was a safe place. LI Bymqavmty enter Mecca and the Prophet (PBUH) immediately issued a general pardon to the idols of the Kaaba and the house clean, he said. The high purity of the meeting and all the people were with him homage. Still 15 days of stay Prophet in Mecca later that some of the numerous tribes of the Arabian Peninsula Nashdh Muslims were united against him. Prophet of the Muslims from Mecca came out with a large army, and they came to a place called Hunayn, enemies were lurking in the surrounding valleys, the shooting began. Execution strongly on the back so that the Army of Islam, a small group remained in place, but eventually returned Grykhtgan the enemy army stormed Bshkstnd them.In the summer of 9 AH, the Prophet (pbuh) was reported to have made the Roman army to attack the city. The Prophet (PBUH) and the Muslims went to fight to Tabuk arrived, but the war did not occur and the Prophet (PBUH) after signing Pymanhayy with tribes around Medina back. After this incident, which became known Ghzvh Tabuk, Islam spread all over the Arabian Peninsula. The delegations always come to Medina to Islam Mygrvydnd various tribes. Virtually all the year 10 BC that "Alvfvd year" was read, the Prophet (PBUH) in Medina and sent tribes accepted. This year the Prophet's close alliance with the Christians of Najran, the pilgrimage went back to a place called Ghadir, Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) "Lord" of the self-declared Muslims.At the beginning of the year 11 AH, illness, and death of the Prophet (pbuh) happened. Because of the Prophet (PBUH) was hard, went to the pulpit and said he ordered Muslims to be kind to each other if someone take my own rights, or solvent, and if someone Zrdham now ready to retaliate. The demise of the Prophet (PBUH) in 28 AH zero in 11 or 12 Rabi al-Awwal narrative that year occurred in 63 years. At the time of his children except Fatima (AS) who was not alive. Other children, including one two years ago, the death of Ibrahim Prophet was born, all were in the past. Configuring the Holy Prophet (PBUH), Hazrat Ali (AS) with the help of several of his family baptism and funeral, and the house that is now buried inside the mosque of Medina.In describing the behavior and characteristics of the Prophet (PBUH) said that often was silent and speak only as needed saying. Never Nmygshvd mouth, smile more, and never Nmykhndyd loudly because he wanted to be on, with all his people to return. The cleanliness and the flavor was very interested, because of where the passage was enough, passersby after he, the effect of sweet fragrance, found her in. The complete lived simply, sitting on the ground and feed on the ground, there was never proud. Browse never to feed a reluctant and in many cases, especially when he was new to the city, hunger was receptive. However, because monks Myfrmvd Nmyzyst and the blessings of the world too, have used the same day, and also has worship. His behavior and even devout Muslims to other religions, a method which is based on compassion and magnanimity and kindness was passed.The fundamental message of Islam, returned to the objective of the Prophets, that monotheism and monotheism, a belief in the doctrine of faith that famous Holy Prophet (PBUH) support human salvation known: La ilaha Tflhva Ghulu. In such thinking, with accommodation "installment" is one of the main goals of the holy prophets (see: iron 57/25), all human benefits, such as color, race, language and people understanding each other but only viewed known, and What criteria and knowledge superiority, only "virtue" is (see: cells / 49/13). Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to implement this aspect of its mission, in a small town government based on the principle of family unity and justice and laid the Hijaz and Thamh exclusive to the Union and the establishment of "single nation" led (see Prophets / 21 / 92) the background as a return to the Qur'an, all of them the first nation peoples have been integrated and the prophets have always tried to return unity and consistency of their nation (al-Baqarah / 2/213). The message of his mission, although the first should warn the people and the canvas was started (see tip / 6/92), the beginning of the message was universal (Y / 12/104). In dealing with the customs and traditions of the Arab peoples, although the Quran, as the fighting on the wrong aspects, and zeal for the Arabs before Islam "Hmyh Aljahlyh» read (see: the Fatah / 48/26), but in dealing with good customs and then based on the teachings of scripture, the role of monotheistic Islam to correct the deviations.


 Source: base (313)

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